Shower or Bath Paint

Child mixing paint in the shower

You will need:

  • Shaving cream  
  • Food coloring 
  • A cupcake tin (or cups to hold each “paint” in) 
  • Paint brushes (or you can finger paint!) 

Steps and examples of how to add language:

  1. Fill each cupcake tin with shaving cream 
    • Simplify language by repeating “put in” each time you fill up a tin cup 
    • Label and talk about the way it looks and feels
      • Is it soft?  
      • Fluffy?  
      • How does it smell?  
      • Do you like it? 
  2. Add the desired amount of food coloring drops 
    • Pick which color they want for each paint 
      • Label all of the colors  
    • Simplify language and label verbs when you “squeeze” each food coloring and the paint goes “drop drop drop” 
  3. Mix up each paint  
    • Mix each color, what happens when the colors mix? Talk about it!  
    • Add more food coloring to some of them, what happens to the color?  
      • Is it darker?  
      • Brighter? 
    • Simplify language and label verbs as you “stir stir stir” or “mix mix mix” 
  4. Repeat until all paints are mixed 
  5. Take cupcake tin/ paint palate and brushes into the shower or bath and make your masterpiece! 
    • The possibilities here are endless. Paint pictures together, make a sun in the sky, draw a spider, make the ocean, etc.  
    • Label and describe all of the things you make 
    • Practice drawing letters or numbers 
      • Have them trace your letters or numbers in another color 
    • Practice drawing shapes and labeling them 
      • Have them trace your shapes in another color 
    • Ask questions!  
      • What is it?
      • What color is the spider? 
      • What color is the sun? 
      • Where is the sun? Is it in the ocean or in the sky?  
      • Who made the circle? Mommy or you? 
    • Take turns painting if you only have one brush 
      • label my turn and your turn  
  6. Rinse shaving cream down the drain and clean off!
Children painting on the shower wall

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